Get the Love You Want with Smart Love Society

Are you ready to finally release the past and attract the love you deserve?  

Backed by the latest Attachment Repair Science, Smart Love Society transforms you into the best version of yourself. 

Join today and become secure, confident, and ready to welcome the love of your life. 

Join Today for $97 Per Month

Have you been pretending to love someone you don't love? 


Have you been trying to convince someone who doesn't know how to love, to love you?  


You’re not alone friend, although sometimes it feels that way...

Does any of this sound like you? 

  • I can't believe this is happening again. I really thought he was different. 
  • Therapy has saved my life but I need some practical tools, like now!
  • I'm just afraid I'll chase him away if I say what I really want... 
  • How do I change who I'm attracted to? Is that even possible? 
  • I keep telling myself it's not that bad... but it's not that good either!
  • I can't go on like this. I'm exhausted and disappointed. I don't want to give up on love, but... 
  • I just want to be with someone who I can grow with. No more "projects" 
  • I know I should move on... but how? 
  • I believe I'm capable of more, I'm just not sure how to get it... 

Smart Love Society is designed to help with

Habit Change

Group coaching helps you stay on track with the plans you've committed to. No more being bamboozled by the old voices in your head. No more rationalizing, justifying, minimizing and denying. No more missed chances! We believe in you and we're here for the journey whenever you need a boost. 

Fresh Start

Whether you're just emerging from a breakup, questioning your current relationship, or have been single for an extended period, Smart Love Society provides you with specific strategies backed by science so that you can evaluate your situation and make healthy new choices

Dating & Relationship Success

We'll provide you with resources for every step of the way. Whatever comes up you can relax knowing you've got a community and a coach to turn to. We get that your healing journey comes first and we've got what it takes to walk with you. 


Finding And Keeping Love Isn't Easy


"It may sound drastic to say something like Dufflyn Lammers gave me my husband,” but there is truth to that statement. I really had some problems with dependency, codependency and addictive behaviors and she helped me see what my needs were with clarity and particularly just letting me see who my best self is."

Maggie, Los Angeles

What you get inside the membership

Access our Online Courses

Self-paced Online Courses that address your specific needs so that you can make progress more quickly. You can ask questions in the Community Forum and Dufflyn will answer you directly. 

Live Support

Opportunities every month to connect and get support. 2nd Saturdays is a sharing circle, 4th Saturdays is your live "Attachment Lesson" 

WingWoman In Your Pocket

A Written Forum to ask your dating & relationship questions 24/7, connect with each other, and get daily hits of inspiration!

Have we met? 

You probably know by now that I am a Relationship & Recovery Coach trained in Attachment Repair, Intervention, Coaching and Tantra and you've seen how powerful this combination can be. 

I've created Smart Love Society after 3 years running a membership because I've seen that at a certain point we need more support and we're ready to graduate to a higher level of functioning. We're ready to face the obstacles in front of us and have more love. 

And to be clear, I'm right there with you, I'm not perfect. I'm here to both learn and teach about love. I was single for the first 12 years of my recovery journey and it sucked. Then I met my match and I discovered how much more work I had to do LOL! 9 Years in, I've learned so much and I want to share with you what I wish I'd known years ago. My mission here is to be the coach I wish I'd had back then. 

I look forward to meeting you inside Smart Love Society!


Can this actually work? 

Lauren, UK

“Having come out of a divorce and an intense rebound relationship, I needed some guidance! Dufflyn gave me strategy and advice about dating to set myself up for success. I have been dating my boyfriend for 9 months. He is a star and I am very excited about our future together! I wouldn’t have found myself (and also him!) without the support I found here." 

Megan, FR

“It has been almost a year to the day that I finally broke up with my ex for good and I found this group not long after! I didn’t lose any weight, get any makeover, make more money, change countries, or make any other major external change. So grateful for how much is possible with a change of mindset and better skills.  Did not see any of this coming!” 

Nancy, CZ

"I highly recommend this membership. Dufflyn is a very insightful, perceptive and warm moderator, and is able to put her own unique spin on the knowledge that is already out there about relationships. I look forward to it every week. It’s so helpful to have a supportive community to turn to, and I’ve learned so much from the highly trained professional guests."

What's included in your membership? 


1. 2X month Live Calls with Dufflyn, 2nd Saturday is a Sharing Circle, 4th Saturday is an Attachment Lesson

2. Access to our online courses at your fingertips for the solutions and strategies that will help you turn it all around. 

3. The WingWoman in your pocket written forum gives you on the spot answers 24/7

4. A vibrant community of women just like you, who you'll meet in the Live Sharing Circles every month!



Smart Love Society



  • 1X Monthly Sharing Circle
  • 1X Monthly Attachment Lesson (recorded) 
  • WingWoman In Your Pocket written forum 
  • 4X Monthly Live Course Review Sessions
  • Immediate access to Dufflyn's online courses in a self-paced version

Smart Love Society



  • 1X Monthly Sharing Circle
  • 1X Monthly Attachment Lesson (recorded) 
  • WingWoman In Your Pocket written forum 
  • 4X Monthly Live Course Review Sessions
  • Immediate access to Dufflyn's online courses in a self-paced version
  • When you buy 1 year up front you get 1 month FREE

 "Certainly I have a feeling that I grew in my personal / relationship life after this year we have spent together. I processed a very difficult break up and everything related to this. I was working on my edges, limitations, old patterns, but also my needs and expectations when it comes to the new relationship I want to have. I tracked my attachment style trying to rework it towards secure attachment. The Personal Empowerment Plan helped me to orientate where I am in my growing process, to see clearly the vision, purpose and growing edges. After this year I am closer to my vision. I developed being closer to my real needs and the way I want to feel in future relationship, also recognising what I don't want there... what kind of behaviours or attitudes etc. Also how to "operate" with my old preoccupied attachment style. Being in a new relationship now which feels very good! I believe we can make it better when we find the right partner." 

Anna, Warsaw