YOU HAD ME AT BONJOUR - Ep. 9 - "Withdrawal"

Dec 14, 2023

Amy has accomplished something she could never do before: Withdrawal.

Amy and I talk about French men, becoming the person we used to make fun of, Rob Lowe, relationships & relapse, and how she has made a HUGE shift in consciousness around sex, love and dating.

Now she is moving into the stage of “Rebuilding” which is scary in and of itself, but what will that look like and what will it mean?

Tune in to find out all of this and more in an episode of profound insight and still riddled with curse words and dick jokes. Because why? Because we like you.

My guest Amy Dresner is a journalist, author, and former comedian as well as a recovering addict and alcoholic. She was a regular columnist for the addiction/recovery magazine since 2012 and has freelanced for, Psychology Today, Vice, Salon and many other publications.

Her first book, “My Fair Junkie: A Memoir of Getting Dirty and Staying Clean,” was published by Hachette in 2017 to rave reviews from critics and readers alike. Elle magazine compared Dresner’s darkly comic memoir to Carrie Fisher’s “Postcards from the Edge” and Mary Karr’s “Lit,” calling Dresner’s book “one for the ages.”

Dresner has appeared on the television show The Doctors and on numerous radio shows and podcasts, including Dr. Drew, Dopey and Rich Roll. She does regular speaking engagements around the U.S. She is the co-host to Joe Schrank of the new Rehab Confidential Podcast. Her book is currently in development for a TV series.

In This Episode:

[1:25} Our new mantra: “Put some eyeliner on and make it happen.”

[2:39] Accountability is helping Amy meditate consistently, which is more important than how LONG we meditate. It’s not easy when you’re “overzealous.”

[3:00} What do you do when you’ve become the person you used to make fun of?

[4:25] Sometimes the best thing to do is just confess.

[5:19] Amy sees the patterns and is choosing differently more and more, this is what recovery looks like folks.

[6:37] A first. “I’ve never been able to do this before,” Amy says. THIS IS HUGE.

[8:00] Amy and I handle the weirdos together. Because who wants to handle weirdos by yourself?

[9:30] Amy’s new point of view. An epiphany!

[10:15] “If someone has the power to make you happy they also have the power to make you unhappy.”

[12:00] Wait, who WASN’T obsessed with Rob Lowe?

[12:30] The connection between relationships and relapse.

[13:22] And now we move to the next stage: REBUILDING

[20:14] The all or nothing attitude of addiction. Yep. That’s the deal. But ultimately “it’s all a mask,” as Amy says.

Stuff we talked about in this episode: 

If you relate to Amy's struggle, schedule a FREE 30-Minute Consultation Call today. You can tell me about your unique situation and I'll have some ideas on your best steps forward. 

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